Jackson Pollack-inspired black and white spatterware.
Though it made the transition from frumpy camping gear to a fixture in European design shops and Anthropologie a few years ago, splatterware is arguably more trendy now than ever. Splatter enamelware combines the best features of two of this year’s most enduringly trendy materials: the durability and feel of brass with the random, unique patterns of marble. But unlike either brass or marble, splatterware — sometimes known as swirled or marbled enamelware — comes in a rainbow of bright, bold colors, making it the ideal affordable dining-room accent for any decorating scheme.
Splatter enamelware is also practical — good as everyday tableware, cookware, and general kitchen décor — not just a one-off accessory. It’s easy to clean like ceramic, but shatterproof like plastic, and since it’s produced by baking shards of porcelain onto steel at a superhigh temperature, enamelware is oven-safe, fire-safe, and dishwasher-safe (but not microwave-safe because of the metal, so don’t make that mistake).
We’ve recommended blue splattered-enamel tumblers and a red marbled-enamel bowl on the Strategist before, but those are the basics. If you’re ready to fill your home with the brightest cheap but expensive-looking gear out there that’ll last a lifetime, there’s a whole kitchen’s worth of different splattered-enamel tableware that are available on Amazon. Here are some of our favorites.